"Sulmona confetti" has crossed all world's borders..
Even the Royal Couple William and Kate have choosen "Sulmona confetti" with white, golden colours
and elegant incisions for their ceremonious wedding.
and elegant incisions for their ceremonious wedding.
It's an italian tradition which has existed for over one hundred years!
Your choice of Sulmona confetti is varied and vast: you can find them with endless colours,
with all nuances, all shapes...
And with a unique and unmistakable taste that you will never forget...
The most traditional Sulmona confetti is with almond inside.
Italy, thanks to its weather and traditions, produces the best almonds in the world.
This is one among many secrets regarding the confetti unique goodness.
The almond is covered by a sugar coating, which is
crispy and ready for packaging.
In a silver plate the confetti will shine,
so that your guests will be happy to enjoy this unmistakable taste.
This tradition dates back to the Romans, who used to celebrate weddings and births with them. Obviously those sugared almonds were not made by using the same ingredients as the ones used today: in fact, honey replaced sugar. You can find pieces of news about sugared almonds in some works about the Fabi family (447 B.C.) and in the works by Apicio (37 A.D.), a friend of Emperor Tiberio.
Modern sugared almonds started to be produced in Sulmona in the fifteenth century: that is confirmed by some documents dating back to 1492-1493 preserved in the City Archives. In addition Sulmona is the leader in the artistic production of sugared almonds and still today Sulmona is without any doubts the birthplace of sugared almonds. In Sulmona you can even visit the "Museo dell'Arte e della Tecnologia Confettiera" ("Museum of Sugared Almond Art and Technology"), which is a national monument .
Di Carlo firm, dating back to 1833, and Pelino firm, which is the most ancient and the one gaining prizes all over the world are the most important firms producing sugared almonds in Sulmona.
Moreover Pelino is the only firm that does not exploit starch in the production of sugared almonds, thus following the most ancient recipes.
The typical sugared almond is made up of an inner core called "anima" (soul), consisting of a shelled, peeled whole Pizzuta-of-Avola-type almond. It is coated with superimposed layers of sugar through several soakings. The sugared almond keeps the shape of an almond seed, i.e. it is very flat with no speckles and cracks. The outer coat is smooth, white with porcelain glints. The sugared almond's size and weight vary according to the almond's size. The sugared almond's "anima" can also be made of other kinds of ingredients, e.g. hazelnut, cinnamon, chocolate, pieces of candied fruit, pistachio, nuts coated with sugar and/or chocolate. In those cases shape and size of sugared almonds will depend on their "anima". Machines called "bassine" are used to coat almonds with sugar: almonds and sugar are worked together in copper or steel caldrons turning continuously.
The sugared almond's outer colouring dates back to more modern times.
They varie according to the kind of ceremony, happy event or important anniversary that is celebrated: e.g., for Weddings, First Communion and Confirmation the sugared almonds are white; they are light blue or pink for Baptism; they are green for engagements; the ones used to celebrate degrees are usually red; finally the sugared almonds used to celebrate birthdays are multicoloured.
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